Labels:daily | earth | fence | field | grandstand | road | sand | sea | sky OCR: nation to them He sent his D8ssadors sccession to the throne their ownI language. to notily tion to his Sovernment? When Hehesven, and to demand oys to reverse the laws of nsture con ferred power upon his eIly to the blind, and to raise the and imitste crestion. give Spirit, which He sent down upon apeap All this SEM done the them in the days of Pentecost ne but his spostles and the prime But is this Spirit given TO that rich tressure exhausted ministers in his kingdom? none left for us? God forbid! the first ages of the gospel. le same favor bestowed upon him Every one of his subjects has ever humble and holy 30ul though not in the same degre nstion addi Bassadors iuade notif demanc iature ra1se itate pirit dead entecos DI16 apostles hausted very iects soul thoush